Reference guide

List of all functions

_addUserPointRight The function inserts rights to the point of achievement
_connectionInfo Returns information about connection (for debugging)
_createCargroup The function creates a new group
_createCarRentalOrder Create car rental order.

- The car rental settings are ignored.

Car rental
- The user…
_createUser Function creates a new user.
The user does not have the rights to vehicles, groups or drivers,
_delAllUserPointRight Deleting rights for the point of finish.
_delBookPurposeSett The function deletes the entries in the driving purpose dial
_delBookPurposeSett2 The function delete trip purpose. The function is available for SŽDC customer only.
_delCarCosts Function delete single item costs from the list of vehicle costs.
_delCargroup The function deletes the group. The condition is that the group must be empty - without vehicles…
_delCarSettings The function delete the special vehicle settings - optional parameters. By value "key".
_deleteDelivery The function deletes the record from the delivery of orders
_deleteRoute The function deletes the route record.
_deleteRouteStop The function deletes the stop record on the delivery route.
_delFile The function deletes the file
_delFileType The function deletes the record from the File Types
_delFuelPrice Function clears Average cost of fuel
  (required admin rights)
_delLandCrop The function deletes the crop record on the soil unit
_delLandCropSett The function deletes the item from the list of preset crops.
_delLandCropStatusSett The function deletes the record from the crop state dial.
_delLandToolSett The function deletes the item from the list of preset tools.
_delLandToolSett2 The function deletes an item in the list of preset tools - it pauses according to the Identify item
_delLandWorkSett The function deletes the item from the list of preset activities.
_delPurposeSett Function deletes the predefined driving purpose records
_delUser2LPIS The function deletes the setting of the User - LPIS property
_delUserPointAction The function deletes events in own places.
_delUserPointRight The function deletes the right to reach point
_delUserPointRightF2U The function deletes the right to reach point
_editDelivery The function changes delivery of orders, if it doesn´t exist (or DeliveryItem.IdDelivery == 0),…
_editRoute The function changes the order delivery route, if it does not exist (or RouteItem.IdRoute == 0),…
_editRouteStop The function changes the stop of the order delivery path, if it does not exist (or StopItem.IdStop …
_getAccelerometer The function returns the events statistics - Accelerometer
_getActionMessCar The function returns a list of delivery reports for the vehicle by truck.
_getAddress The function translates the numeric coordinates into a text address.
_getAllCarsPosition Function returns information about all current vehicle positions.
Returned positions (Zs, Zd,…
_getAttendance The function returns records from the attendance system.
_getBookCrew Function return vehicle's crew during route.
_getBookLast Function returns data of last vehicle's route.
_getBookPurposeSett The function returns the number of driving purposes set on the portal.
_getBookPurposesInfo The function returns purposes list of the company.
_getBorderCrossing The function returns border crossing statistics.
_getBorderCrossingDetail The function returns border crossing statistics with details. The maximum length of the interval is…
_getBorderCrossingDriverGMT The function returns border crossing statistics. This data may not be consistent and may contain…
_getBorderCrossingGMT The function returns border crossing statistics.
_getCar4way The function returns data for car4way.
_getCarAtribut The function returns a list of vehicles including settings. Only for users with admin permission.
_getCarAtribut2 The function returns a list of vehicles including settings. This feature allows you to filter by…
_getCarCondition Return cars condition.
Carsharing or Electromobility service is needed.
_getCarConsumption The function returns vehicle consumption.
_getCarConsumption2 The function returns vehicle consumption.
_getCarConsumptionDetails The function returns data from FMS consumption statistics
_getCarCosts Function returns list of costs of specific time period for the vehicle.
_getCarCosumption The function returns vehicle consumption.
_getCargroups The function returns a list of groups.
_getCarInfo The function searches for vehicles according to several criteria, such as SIM card or unit ID.
_getCarLock Function return list of data locks.
_getCarLogBook Function return list of the routes for specific time period.
_getCarLogBook2 Function return list of the routes for specific time period. - Inputs and outputs - GMT
_getCarLogBook3 Function returns list of routes for specific time period, including route in progress at the start…
_getCarLogBook4 Function return list of the routes for specific time period - inputs and outputs (GMT)
clone …
_getCarLogBookSP Function return list of the routes for specific time period, vehicle is paired according to the VIN…
_getCarMobileMess The function returns the predefined message settings and driver status for WD Fleet.
_getCarOverSpeed The function returns the speed statistics
_getCarRentalBilling Return all loans for specific period.
_getCarRentalOrders Return all loans for specific period.
_getCarSettings The function returns custom vehicle settings - optional parameters
_getCarsFPosition Function returns information about current position to the user login list.
_getCarsIDPosition Function returns information about current vehicle positions of the vehicle list.
_getCarsIDPosition2 Function returns detailed information about current vehicle positions of the vehicle list.
_getCarsIDPosition4 Function returns detailed information about current vehicle positions of the vehicle list.
Note: If…
_getCarsList The function returns a list of all vehicles that corresponds to the rights of the logged-on user.
_getCarsList2 The function returns a list of all vehicles that corresponds to the rights of the logged-on user.…
_getCarsListAlarm The function returns information about the vehicle alarm setting.
_getCarsListGeneral The function returns vehicle information.
_getCarsListGeneral2 The function returns vehicle information.
_getCarsListGeneral3 The function returns vehicle information.
_getCarsListGeneral5 The function returns vehicle information.
_getCarsListPeriph The function returns vehicle information - peripherals
_getCarsParams Return additional vehicles parameters.
Returned positions (Zs, Zd, latitude, longitude, etc.) are…
_getCarsPosition Function returns information about current vehicle position.
Returned positions (Zs, Zd, latitude,…
_getCarsPosition2 Function returns information about current vehicle position.
Returned position (Zs, Zd, latitude,…
_getCarsPosition5 Function returns information about current vehicle's position.
Returned position (Zs, Zd, etc.)…
_getCarTemplate The function returns the vehicle appearance template.
_getCarValues The function returns day summary
_getCarWorkLogList The function returns Tools / vehicle operation record review
_getCarWorkLogList2 The function returns The tools / vehicle operation record review with filter for vehicle and/or…
_getCarWorkLogList3 The function returns toolbar / vehicle operation record review with filter for time changes.
_getCarWorkLogList4 The function returns The tools / Vehicle operation record review with filter for time-change and…
_getCarWorkLogList5 The function returns The tools /Review of vehicle operation record with filter for transport number…
_getCompany The function returns basic business data
_getContainer The function returns a list of company containers.
_getCostType Function returns type of costs according to company settings.
_getDatePositions Function return route positions for day.
_getDCRepB The function returns statistics Drivecheck / Driver report
_getDCRepC The function returns statistics Drivecheck / Groups report
_getDEKCarLogBook The function returns the vehicle orders for a period.
_getDEKCarLogBookAll The function returns the orders of all vehicles for a period.
_getDelivery The function returns delivery of orders.
_getDriverDiets Travel Refund function
_getDriverHoursWorked Returns driver's hours worked.
_getDriverRating Function returns score of driver style.
_getDriverRatingAccel Function returns score of driver style according to the accelerometer FMS.
_getDriversList The function returns a list of all drivers.
_getDriversList2 The function returns a list of all drivers with the option to filter by driver id and by personal…
_getDriversList3 The function returns drivers list of the company. Input fields could be used to filter the result.
_getDriverWorkLog Function returns vehicle operation records from navigation for specific period.
_getDriverWorkLog2 Function returns rides records (Stazka) from navigation for specific period.
_getDriverWorkLogSource Function returns vehicle operation records from navigation for specific period. Source data.
_getDriverWorkTacho Function returns an overview of the driver worked hours by the tachograph (day - day/night)
_getDriverWorkTacho2 Function returns an overview of the driver worked hours by the tachograph (day - day/night)…
_getDrivingStyleRawData The function returns the vehicle style score according to the FMS accelerometer.
_getFile function returns the contents of the file
_getFileDDD function returns the contents of the tachograph file
_getFileList function returns the file list
_getFileListDDD function returns a list of files in the tachograph archive
_getFileType The function lists the records from the File Types
_getFMS_DrivingStyle Function returns summary of FMS statistics for specific period.
_getFuelCards The function returns a list of fuel cards.

For roles:
[admin, miniadmin, superadmin] - returns…
_getFuelCardTypes Function returns types of fuel tank.
_getFuelPrice The function returns the average prices of the fuel
_getFuelProbe The function returns control tanking and fuel drops
_getFuelStatus The function returns fuel statistics
_getInputLogBook The function returns data from the statistics log book inputs
_getLandArea The function returns a list of all land units.
_getLandArea1 The function returns a list of all land units.
_getLandCrop The function returns a list of crops on soil units.
_getLandCropInfo This function returns all crops that are registered in the selected agricultural area at the…
_getLandCropSett The function returns a list of crops on soil units.
_getLandCropStatusSett The function returns records from the crop state code.
_getLandToolSett The function returns a list of preset tools.
_getLandWork The function returns a list of actions on the soil unit.
_getLandWorkDetail The function returns a list of actions on the soil unit processed for direct viewing.
_getLandWorkRide The function returns a list of crossings between actions on soil units.
_getLandWorkSett The function returns a list of preset activities.
_getLastDStatus The function returns information about the current state of the driver in Overview of runs
_getLBParamList Function returns Settings - Vehicles - Enhanced Enhancement Book
_getLBParamTemplate The function returns Settings - Vehicles - Extending Drive Book
_getLBParamValues Function return other parameter values of the log book.
_getLog The function returns a listing of logged events.
_getMess Function returns sent or received messages.
_getMess2 Function returns sent or received messages.
_getMess4way The function returns messages for the car4way service.
_getMessFile function returns the contents of the file (The file is from communication with the driver)
_getMEXTData The function returns data for the specified vehicles
_getMobileApp The feature returns the license code for mobile applications.
_getNextIdjizda Function return routes according to user rights for previous 3 days. Suitable for the progressive…
_getOptimalCarsList The function returns a list of all vehicles with optimization enabled, which corresponds to the…
_getPerfectDriveReport The Api function returns the driver's rating for a given period (all vehicles or selected)
_getPlanRoutePositions The function returns the planned position of the delivery route
_getPositionAllCarsWithTools Returns the last known position of all active vehicles of the company, including the tool id and…
_getPurposeSett The function returns a listing of time-limited driving purposes
_getReachLeaveMess The function returns incoming messages about the points of achievement.
_getRightsUser2Car Function lists users' rights to vehicles
_getRightsUser2Cargroup The function lists users' rights to groups.
_getRightsUser2Driver The function lists users' rights for the drivers.
_getRoute The function returns the delivery route.
_getRouteAccelerometer Return numbers of event from accelerometer
_getRouteCar The function returns delivery routes for a particular vehicle and a time window.
_getRouteCar2 The function returns the full delivery route for a particular vehicle and a time window.
_getRouteMess Function returns messages sent from the vehicle during the delivery route.
_getRoutePositions Function returns route position.
_getRoutePositions2 Function returns route position.
_getRoutePositionsDetail Function returns route position incluing place.
_getRouteState This function returns transport status
_getRouteStop The function returns stops on the delivery route.
_getRouteStopActions The function returns the stop action on the delivery route - even for deliveries where the vehicle…
_getRouteStopActionsCar The function returns a stop action on the delivery route - only for deliveries where the vehicle is…
_getRouteStopCar The function returns stops on the delivery route.
_getShellCmdUnitResult The function returns the execution status of the command
_getSpread1 Function returns Spreading extension statistics.
_getSpread1Route Function returns Spreading extension statistics - routes
_getSpread1RouteStatus Function returns Spreading extension statistics - buildings
_getSpread1Sum Function returns Spreading extension statistics - summary for shifts
_getSpread2 Function returns Spreading extension statistics 2
_getSpreadD The function returns RSD Data transfer statistics
_getSpreadUni Function returns Spreading extension statistics UNI
_getSpreadUniCls Function returns Spreading extension statistics UNI by class.
Maximum date range is 1 month, but…
_getSpreadUniCls2 Function returns Vehicle preformance statistics outside the spreader.
_getStaCars Function return vehicle statistics for maximum 60 days.
_getStaCars2 The function returns vehicle statistics
Warning: return value - WDS_StaCarsItem Can be extended…
_getStaDrivers Function return Drivers statistics for maximum 60 days.
_getStaDriversCar Function return Drivers / Cars statistics. For all combinations driver and vehicle returning one…
_getStaFMS The function returns FMS statistics
_getStatEngineLoad The function returns the engine load histogram. This data is read at the vehicle OBD connector.…
_getStatRPM The function returns the RPM histogram. This data is read at the vehicle OBD connector. Contact…
_getStreetMaintenance The function returns Statistics of Road Maintenance.
_getStreetMaintenanceRoute The function returns statistics on Maintaining Road Roads.
_getSWAlarms The function returns the software alarm settings - all bitwise conjunction.
_getSWAlarms2User The function returns the alarm SW settings - the entire bit product for the vehicle and the logged…
_getTachoCarsList The function returns a car dial that has a connected tachograph
_getTachograph The function returns statistics tachograph data from digital tachograph for the given period.
_getTachographDriver The function returns data on meeting standards for Aetr from digital tachograph data
_getTachographDriverAct The function returns an overview of the driver's activities
_getTachographDriverAct2 The function returns the driver's activities from the tachograph
_getTankRules The function returns a company-specific fueling/charging directive and a time window.
_getTask The function returns tasks.
_getTemperature The function returns the temperature.
_getTimePositions Function return list of the routes for specific time period.
_getTrailer The function returns a list of company semitrailers.
_getTrailer2 The function returns a list of company semitrailers including all the details
_getUser2LPIS The function returns the User - LPIS property, according to which my / foreign soil entities are…
_getUserPointActions The function returns events at your own place.
_getUserPointCross The function of returning statistics of passage by own place
_getUserPoints The function returns a list of all your own locations / companies
_getUserPointsKMZ The function returns the url of KMZ file.
_getUserPointVisits The function returns a list of all visits to your own place.
_getUsers The function returns a list of users including settings.
_getUsers2 ATTENTION:
The WDS_User2Item data class can be extended without further notice by other new user…
_getVoltage The function returns the battery voltage.
_getWarningLightsActive Returns a list of active errors
_getWarningLightsHistory Returns Diagnostics fault history.
Maximum date range filter is 7 days (if only one car is selected…
_getWarningLightsList returns a list of Diagnostics codes
_getWDFleetRouteFile The function returns the contents of file for Spedition
_logAccess The feature that mobile devices log into system and gets information about the current version of…
_login Function for verifying login credentials.
_sendCar4way _sendCar4way
_sendCar4way2 _sendCar4way2
_sendFileDDD The function sends data from the tacho-card to the portal.
_sendFileRoute The function sends a file for transport.
_sendMessToPortal Function sends message (or driver's status) from vehicle to the portal.
_sendMessToPortal2 Function sends message (or driver's status) from vehicle to the portal.
_sendRoutePlan The function imports the route into navigation in the vehicle, unlike the _sendRoutePlanToCar…
_sendRoutePlanToCar The function imports the route of the vehicle into navigation.
_sendRoutePlanToCar2 The function imports the route into navigation in the vehicle, unlike the _sendRoutePlanToCar…
_sendShellCmdToUnit The function sends a command to the unit
_sendUserMessToGarmin Function send text message to Garmin device.
_sendUserMessToGarmin2 Function send text message to Garmin device.
_setAttendance The function inserts the item into the attendance system.
_setBookPurposeSett The function modifies the records in the driving purpose dial
_setBookPurposeSett2 The function edit trip purpose. The function is available for SŽDC customer only.
_setCarAlarm This function can not set the oss tracking. Please contact your sales representative for their…
_setCarCosts Function change costs and add new ones.
_setCarETA Function sets information about destination and when is expected to reach the destination.
_setCarGeneral The function sets the vehicle information.
How to call a function: Use the _getCarsListGeneral…
_setCarGeneral2 The function sets the vehicle information.

Type of vehicle is not updated!
_setCarGeneral5 The function sets the vehicle information.

Type of vehicle is not updated!
_setCarLock Function sets vehicle data lock.
_setCarMobileMess The function sets predefined messages and driver status for WD Fleet.
_setCarParam The function sets the specific parameter for the vehicle
_setCarPeriph The function sets the vehicle parameters

The $ArrUpdate field contains an array of associative…
_setCarRentalKeyManager Key manager for car rental.
_setCarSettings The function sets the special vehicle settings - optional parameters
_setCarSwSetting The function sets the value WDS_Position2.swnastav
_setCarWorkLogList The function sets some items for vehicle operation record
_setContainerPos The function stores the status of the container and its position.
_setFileType The function changes and inserts entries into the File Types tab
_setFuelCard The function updates or inserts the fuel card record
_setFuelPrice The function sets the Average cost of the fuel
  (required admin rights)
_setLandArea The function updates and inserts soil units. To update the polygon, you need to call …
_setLandCrop The function changes the crop to the soil. IdLandCrop == 0 insert,> 0 update.
_setLandCropSett The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset crops.
_setLandCropStatusSett The function changes or inserts a record into the crop status bar.
_setLandToolSett The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset tools.
_setLandToolSett2 The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset tools - paired according to the…
_setLandWork The function is edited in IdToolX, IdWorkActionX, Length, Width, WorkArea, WorkAreaKm
_setLandWorkSett The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset activities.
_setLBParamList The function sets the enumeration dials for the expanding parameters of the driving book
_setLBParamValues Function sets other parameter values of the log book.
_setMessStatus Function sends message (or driver's status) from vehicle to the portal.
_setMhCorrection Function sets moto odometer correction.
_setMobileApp The function returns the license code validiation for mobile apps and registers the valid code at…
_setOdometerCorrection Function sets odometer correction.
_setPlanRoutePositions The function deletes the existing coordinates of the delivery route and inserts a new one or only…
_setPurposeSett Function modifies records of predefined driving purpose
_setRightsUser2Car The function updates users' rights to vehicles.
_setRightsUser2Cargroup The function updates users' rights to groups.
_setRightsUser2Driver The function updates users rights to the driver.
_setRouteStopActionMess The function returns a stop action on the delivery route.
_setRouteTime The function changes the order delivery route - time of read, acceptance, rejection.
_setSWAlarms The function sets the software alarm for each bit.
_setSWAlarms2User The function sets the SW alarms by bit for the vehicle and the user
_setTask The function create or update the task.
_setTaskRealized The function sets the task as fulfilled.
_setTrailer2 The feature adjusts the list of company semitrailers
_setUser2LPIS The function inserts a new record of the User - LPIS property
_setUserPointActions The function edit / insert events at own place.
_setUserPointPoly The function sets the coordinates of a polygon that defines a own place or an soil complex
_showUserPointOnMap Function create a new text message (SMS) and send it to the user along with coordinates the…
_updateBookCrew Function updates crew of route.
_updateBookDriver Function for changing the name of the driver.
_updateBookNote Function update note for route.
_updateBookPrivate Function updates information about route - business/private.
_updateBookPurpose Function updating information about route and reason for the destination (purpose).
_updateCarRentalOrder Update car rental order.
_updateCars The function inserts or updates the vehicle information.
_updateDriver The function inserts or updates basic driver information.
_updateDriver2 The function updates basic driver information.
_updateDriver3 The function updates basic driver information.

If the input value "disabled" = 1 then the driver…
_updateUser The function updates the user (Except for changes to usernames, passwords, groups and vehicle…
_updateUser2 The function updates the user (except for changing usernames, passwords, groups, and vehicle rights…
_WIP_deleteAllUserPoint2 Delete all of user points
_WIP_deleteUserPoint Delete user point
_WIP_deleteUserPoint2 Delete user point
_WIP_updateUserPoint Creating or editing a user point (user can define some special places/locality in the system)
_WIP_updateUserPoint2 Creating or editing a user point (user can define some special places/locality with special values…
_WIP_updateUserPoint3 Create and update user point, identified by idpoint