
(API version 2.0)

WDS_RoutePlanItem _sendRoutePlan ( string kodf , string username , string pass , int IdCar , string TextXml , int GeocodingOSM )


The function imports the route into navigation in the vehicle, unlike the _sendRoutePlanToCar function, it updates the stops (does not delete the old once and does not insert the new one if same one already exists), pairs it according to PointNo - thats why we recommend using it only if you mark stops by number PointNo. Similarly, it updates actions at stops according type and text.





string kodf
Company code
string username
Login username
string pass
Login password
int IdCar
unique vehicle identifier
string TextXml
XML - see sample files
int GeocodingOSM
0 - Address geocoding is off. The coordinates of the stop points are available in the source xml (TextXml).
1 - Address geocoding is on. The coordinates of the stop points are not available in the source xml (TextXml). Coordinates will be geocoded by street, city, zip code and state via OpenStreet map.

Return value

  • int idRoute

    route (transport) plan identifier

  • int idDelivery

    delivery identifier

  • WDS_RoutePlanStopItem[]

    List of stop points

    • WDS_RoutePlanStopItem
      • int idStop

        stop point identifier

      • int[]

        List of stop point actions

        • int item

Errors - SOAP fault object is returned
0 - Login failed, invalid credentials
-1 - Access denied, invalid user role
-2 - Access denied, invalid access rights to the vehicle
-3 - TextXml preprocessing failed - internal error
-4 - TextXml parameter is invalid
-5 - PointNo parameter is invalid. The maximum length must be 50 characters.
-6 - PointNo parameter is invalid. It must be unique
-7 - idRoute "XXXXXXX" not found or insufficient permissions.
-8 - idRoute "XXXXXXX" is not valid.
-100 - Address geocoding failed - (example "-102" means that the second stop failed)


API version 2.0

$client = new SoapClient('https://api.webdispecink.cz/code/WebDispecinkServiceNet.php?wsdl');
$return = $client->_sendRoutePlan($kodf, $username, $pass, $IdCar, $TextXml, $GeocodingOSM);


To test the function, enter parameters in form below and press Try it out button.

Company code
Login username
Login password
unique vehicle identifier
XML - see sample files
0 - Address geocoding is off. The coordinates of the stop points are available in the source xml (TextXml).
1 - Address geocoding is on. The coordinates of the stop points are not available in the source xml (TextXml). Coordinates will be geocoded by street, city, zip code and state via OpenStreet map.

* Required field