
(API version 2.0)

WDS_CarItem2[] _getCarsList2 ( string kodf , string username , string pass [ , int activeOnly ] )


The function returns a list of all vehicles that corresponds to the rights of the logged-on user. If user is from a dealer company and has enabled system accoun, than function returns list of all vehicles from all dealer's companies. But returns values other than _getCarsList



string kodf
company code
string username
string pass
int activeOnly
0 - returns all vehicles (default)
1 - returns active only vehicles

Return value

  • WDS_CarItem2
    • int cargroupid

      Group ID in the system. The vehicle may be included into group.

    • int carid

      Vehicle ID in the system

    • string identifikator

      Vehicle registration number

    • string driver

      Default driver. If not filled in, the value is empty.

    • string mobil

      Telephone number to communicate with the vehicle. This value is used if the vehicle is equipped with a telephone for SMS communication.

    • int userrights

      User rights.

    • int type

      1 .. bus
      2 .. electromobile
      3 .. motorcycle
      4 .. lorry
      5 .. semi-trailer
      6 .. passanger
      7 .. trailer
      8 .. crop production
      9 .. tractor unit
      10 .. special vehicle
      11 .. building machine
      12.. inert sprayer
      13 .. chemical spreyer
      14 .. technological vehicle
      15 .. tractor
      16 .. special vehicle
      17 .. forklift
      18 .. delivery van
      19 .. ambulance
      20 .. x
      21 .. passanger medium
      22 .. passanger large
      23 .. cargo truck small
      24 .. cargo truck medium
      25 .. cargo truck big
      26 .. hybrid
      27 .. plug-in hybrid

    • int online

      0 / 1

    • int disabled

      The vehicle is disabled. It holds value 0 or 1.

    • string gpsmobil

      SIM card phone number in GPS unit in vehicle.

    • string gpsmobil2
    • string imei
    • string sn

      Serial number of the GPS unit.

    • int unittype
    • string unitname

      Unit name.

    • long swnastav
    • int tdevice

      Device with which the GPS unit communicates in the vehicle: 1- Garmin, 2 - Dynavix, 3 - Mobile app WD Fleet

    • string disabledate

      Date of vehicle decommissioning.

    • int carsharing

      Enabled for carsharing

    • int immobilizer

      Immobilizer on

    • string objectNum

      Objcet number

    • int odometerKm

      Odometer state

    • int kmFromLastService

      Kilometers from the last service
      Valid value less then 100000

    • int daysFromLastService

      Days from last service
      Valid value less then 1825

    • int kmToNextService

      Kilometers to the next service
      Valid value less then 100000

    • int daysToNextService

      Days to the next service
      Valid value less then 1825

    • string installationdate

      Date of installation of the unit in the vehicle


API version 2.0

$client = new SoapClient('https://api.webdispecink.cz/code/WebDispecinkServiceNet.php?wsdl');
$return = $client->_getCarsList2($kodf, $username, $pass, $activeOnly);


To test the function, enter parameters in form below and press Try it out button.

company code
0 - returns all vehicles (default)
1 - returns active only vehicles

* Required field