
(API version 2.0)

int _setRightsUser2Cargroup ( string kodf , string username , string pass , int IdUser , int Rights , string strCargroupsId )


The function updates users' rights to groups.



string kodf
Company code
string username
Login username
string pass
Login password
int IdUser
Id of the user to whom we assign the rights
int Rights
Rights - 1 - allocate, 0 - remove
string strCargroupsId
Id groups to which we allocate (1) or take the user rights - id separated by commas, eg 2,8,10

Return value



API version 2.0

$client = new SoapClient('https://api.webdispecink.cz/code/WebDispecinkServiceNet.php?wsdl');
$return = $client->_setRightsUser2Cargroup($kodf, $username, $pass, $IdUser, $Rights, $strCargroupsId);


To test the function, enter parameters in form below and press Try it out button.

Company code
Login username
Login password
Id of the user to whom we assign the rights
Rights - 1 - allocate, 0 - remove
Id groups to which we allocate (1) or take the user rights - id separated by commas, eg 2,8,10

* Required field