
(API version 2.0)

WDS_CarGeneral5Item[] _getCarsListGeneral5 ( string kodf , string username , string pass , string CarsList )


The function returns vehicle information.



string kodf
Company code
string username
Login username
string pass
Login password
string CarsList
Vehicle id separately

Return value

  • WDS_CarGeneral5Item
    • int CarId

      Vehicle ID

    • int Cargroupid

      Group ID

    • int Iddriver

      default driver

    • string Identifikator

      Car registration number (max 50 characters)

    • string Popis

      short description (max 50 characters)

    • string Divize

      division (max 50 characters)

    • string Stredisko

      center (max 50 characters)

    • string Osobni_cislo

      personal number (max 50 characters)

    • string Cislo_objektu

      Object number (max 50 characters)

    • string Cislo_TP

      number TP (max 50 characters)

    • string VIN

      VIN (max 30 characters)

    • string Tovarni_znacka

      Factory brand (max 30 characters)

    • string Model_vozu

      Vehicle model (max 50 characters)

    • string Typ_PHM

      Fuel type (max 50 characters)

    • string Stanoviste

      Location (max 150 characters)

    • float Amort

      Amortization / km

    • int DomovPraceDomov

      Home - Work - Home

    • int Mesic_km

      Monthly mileage [km]

    • int Nadrz

      Tank size [l]

    • float CenaBezDPH

      Purchase price excluding VAT

    • float CenaDPH

      VAT in percent

    • float CenasDPH

      Purchase price with VAT

    • float Spotreba_TP

      Consumption according to the technical card combined

    • float Spotreba_TP_mesto

      Consumption according to city card

    • float Spotreba_TP_mimo

      Consumption according to the technical card outside the city

    • int Responsible_user

      Responsible user / driver

    • int Supervising_user

      Superior user

    • int Accounting_office

      Accounting office

    • string Currency

      Vehicle currency (max 5 characters)

    • int LandToolDef

      Agriculture - starting tools

    • int LandWorkDef

      Agriculture - baseline activity

    • float LandWorkWidth

      Agriculture - Soil work width

    • int LandOverlay

      Land overlay

    • int IdTemplate

      Id templates for the appearance of vehicles

    • int Vlastnik

      Owner -
      0 - not entered
      1 - corporate
      2 - private
      3 - Private-fuel
      4 - corporate - financial leasing
      5 - corporate - operative leasing
      6 - vehicle rental

    • int Druh

      Type of vehicle

      1 .. bus
      2 .. electromobile
      3 .. motorcycle
      4 .. lorry
      5 .. semi-trailer
      6 .. passanger
      7 .. trailer
      8 .. crop production
      9 .. tractor unit
      10 .. special vehicle
      11 .. building machine
      12.. inert sprayer
      13 .. chemical spreyer
      14 .. technological vehicle
      15 .. tractor
      16 .. special vehicle
      17 .. forklift
      18 .. delivery van
      19 .. ambulance
      20 .. x
      21 .. passanger medium
      22 .. passanger large
      23 .. cargo truck small
      24 .. cargo truck medium
      25 .. cargo truck big
      26 .. hybrid
      27 .. plug-in hybrid

    • string DatOd

      Date of installation

    • string DriverValidTo

      The default driver is valid until (in local time)

    • int Iddriver2

      The default driver 2

    • string RegistrationDate

      Registration date

    • int NadrzCngVelikost

      CNG tank volume in kilograms

    • float BaterieKapacita

      Battery capacity in kWh


API version 2.0

$client = new SoapClient('https://api.webdispecink.cz/code/WebDispecinkServiceNet.php?wsdl');
$return = $client->_getCarsListGeneral5($kodf, $username, $pass, $CarsList);


To test the function, enter parameters in form below and press Try it out button.

Company code
Login username
Login password
Vehicle id separately

* Required field