Make the most of the Webdispatching application for your website.
By using the Webdispatching API you can implement some functions from the Webdispatching application to the pages running on your server.
SOAP (XML) technology is used for communicating between the applications.
The set of API Webdispatching functions is demonstrated in the examples in PHP5 programming language. The use of the Webdispatching API is governed by the licence terms.
Reference guide
API version 2.0 - List of all functionsList of all functions
_addUserPointRight | The function inserts rights to the point of achievement |
_connectionInfo | Returns information about connection (for debugging) |
_createCargroup | The function creates a new group |
_createCarRentalOrder | Create car rental order. Carsharing - The car rental settings are ignored. Car rental - The user… |
_createUser | Function creates a new user. The user does not have the rights to vehicles, groups or drivers, can… |
_delAllUserPointRight | Deleting rights for the point of finish. |
_delBookPurposeSett | The function deletes the entries in the driving purpose dial |
_delBookPurposeSett2 | The function delete trip purpose. The function is available for SŽDC customer only. |
_delCarCosts | Function delete single item costs from the list of vehicle costs. |
_delCargroup | The function deletes the group. The condition is that the group must be empty - without vehicles… |
_delCarSettings | The function delete the special vehicle settings - optional parameters. By value "key". |
_deleteDelivery | The function deletes the record from the delivery of orders |
_deleteRoute | The function deletes the route record. |
_deleteRouteStop | The function deletes the stop record on the delivery route. |
_delFile | The function deletes the file |
_delFileType | The function deletes the record from the File Types |
_delFuelPrice | Function clears Average cost of fuel (required admin rights) |
_delLandCrop | The function deletes the crop record on the soil unit |
_delLandCropSett | The function deletes the item from the list of preset crops. |
_delLandCropStatusSett | The function deletes the record from the crop state dial. |
_delLandToolSett | The function deletes the item from the list of preset tools. |
_delLandToolSett2 | The function deletes an item in the list of preset tools - it pauses according to the Identify item |
_delLandWorkSett | The function deletes the item from the list of preset activities. |
_delPurposeSett | Function deletes the predefined driving purpose records |
_delUser2LPIS | The function deletes the setting of the User - LPIS property |
_delUserPointAction | The function deletes events in own places. |
_delUserPointRight | The function deletes the right to reach point |
_delUserPointRightF2U | The function deletes the right to reach point |
_editDelivery | The function changes delivery of orders, if it doesn´t exist (or DeliveryItem.IdDelivery == 0),… |
_editRoute | The function changes the order delivery route, if it does not exist (or RouteItem.IdRoute == 0),… |
_editRouteStop | The function changes the stop of the order delivery path, if it does not exist (or StopItem.IdStop … |
_getAccelerometer | The function returns the events statistics - Accelerometer |
_getActionMessCar | The function returns a list of delivery reports for the vehicle by truck. |
_getAddress | The function translates the numeric coordinates into a text address. |
_getAllCarsPosition | Function returns information about all current vehicle positions. Returned positions (Zs, Zd,… |
_getAttendance | The function returns records from the attendance system. |
_getBookCrew | Function return vehicle's crew during route. |
_getBookLast | Function returns data of last vehicle's route. |
_getBookPurposeSett | The function returns the number of driving purposes set on the portal. |
_getBookPurposesInfo | The function returns purposes list of the company. |
_getBorderCrossing | The function returns border crossing statistics. |
_getBorderCrossingDetail | The function returns border crossing statistics with details. The maximum length of the interval is… |
_getBorderCrossingDriverGMT | The function returns border crossing statistics. This data may not be consistent and may contain… |
_getBorderCrossingGMT | The function returns border crossing statistics. |
_getCar4way | The function returns data for car4way. |
_getCarAtribut | The function returns a list of vehicles including settings. Only for users with admin permission. |
_getCarAtribut2 | The function returns a list of vehicles including settings. This feature allows you to filter by… |
_getCarCondition | Return cars condition. Carsharing or Electromobility service is needed. |
_getCarConsumption | The function returns vehicle consumption. |
_getCarConsumption2 | The function returns vehicle consumption. |
_getCarConsumptionDetails | The function returns data from FMS consumption statistics |
_getCarCosts | Function returns list of costs of specific time period for the vehicle. |
_getCarCosumption | The function returns vehicle consumption. |
_getCargroups | The function returns a list of groups. |
_getCarInfo | The function searches for vehicles according to several criteria, such as SIM card or unit ID. |
_getCarLock | Function return list of data locks. |
_getCarLogBook | Function return list of the routes for specific time period. |
_getCarLogBook2 | Function return list of the routes for specific time period. - Inputs and outputs - GMT |
_getCarLogBook3 | Function returns list of routes for specific time period, including route in progress at the start… |
_getCarLogBook4 | Function return list of the routes for specific time period - inputs and outputs (GMT) clone … |
_getCarLogBookSP | Function return list of the routes for specific time period, vehicle is paired according to the VIN… |
_getCarMobileMess | The function returns the predefined message settings and driver status for WD Fleet. |
_getCarOverSpeed | The function returns the speed statistics |
_getCarRentalBilling | Return all loans for specific period. |
_getCarRentalOrders | Return all loans for specific period. |
_getCarSettings | The function returns custom vehicle settings - optional parameters |
_getCarsFPosition | Function returns information about current position to the user login list. |
_getCarsIDPosition | Function returns information about current vehicle positions of the vehicle list. |
_getCarsIDPosition2 | Function returns detailed information about current vehicle positions of the vehicle list. |
_getCarsIDPosition4 | Function returns detailed information about current vehicle positions of the vehicle list. Note: If… |
_getCarsList | The function returns a list of all vehicles that corresponds to the rights of the logged-on user. |
_getCarsList2 | The function returns a list of all vehicles that corresponds to the rights of the logged-on user.… |
_getCarsListAlarm | The function returns information about the vehicle alarm setting. |
_getCarsListGeneral | The function returns vehicle information. |
_getCarsListGeneral2 | The function returns vehicle information. |
_getCarsListGeneral3 | The function returns vehicle information. |
_getCarsListGeneral5 | The function returns vehicle information. |
_getCarsListPeriph | The function returns vehicle information - peripherals |
_getCarsParams | Return additional vehicles parameters. Returned positions (Zs, Zd, latitude, longitude, etc.) are… |
_getCarsPosition | Function returns information about current vehicle position. Returned positions (Zs, Zd, latitude,… |
_getCarsPosition2 | Function returns information about current vehicle position. Returned position (Zs, Zd, latitude,… |
_getCarsPosition5 | Function returns information about current vehicle's position. Returned position (Zs, Zd, etc.)… |
_getCarTemplate | The function returns the vehicle appearance template. |
_getCarValues | The function returns day summary |
_getCarWorkLogList | The function returns Tools / vehicle operation record review |
_getCarWorkLogList2 | The function returns The tools / vehicle operation record review with filter for vehicle and/or… |
_getCarWorkLogList3 | The function returns toolbar / vehicle operation record review with filter for time changes. The… |
_getCarWorkLogList4 | The function returns The tools / Vehicle operation record review with filter for time-change and… |
_getCarWorkLogList5 | The function returns The tools /Review of vehicle operation record with filter for transport number… |
_getCompany | The function returns basic business data |
_getContainer | The function returns a list of company containers. |
_getCostType | Function returns type of costs according to company settings. |
_getDatePositions | Function return route positions for day. |
_getDCRepB | The function returns statistics Drivecheck / Driver report |
_getDCRepC | The function returns statistics Drivecheck / Groups report |
_getDEKCarLogBook | The function returns the vehicle orders for a period. |
_getDEKCarLogBookAll | The function returns the orders of all vehicles for a period. |
_getDelivery | The function returns delivery of orders. |
_getDriverDiets | Travel Refund function |
_getDriverHoursWorked | Returns driver's hours worked. |
_getDriverRating | Function returns score of driver style. |
_getDriverRatingAccel | Function returns score of driver style according to the accelerometer FMS. |
_getDriversList | The function returns a list of all drivers. |
_getDriversList2 | The function returns a list of all drivers with the option to filter by driver id and by personal… |
_getDriversList3 | The function returns drivers list of the company. Input fields could be used to filter the result. |
_getDriverWorkLog | Function returns vehicle operation records from navigation for specific period. |
_getDriverWorkLog2 | Function returns rides records (Stazka) from navigation for specific period. |
_getDriverWorkLogSource | Function returns vehicle operation records from navigation for specific period. Source data. |
_getDriverWorkTacho | Function returns an overview of the driver worked hours by the tachograph (day - day/night) |
_getDriverWorkTacho2 | Function returns an overview of the driver worked hours by the tachograph (day - day/night)… |
_getDrivingStyleRawData | The function returns the vehicle style score according to the FMS accelerometer. |
_getFile | function returns the contents of the file |
_getFileDDD | function returns the contents of the tachograph file |
_getFileList | function returns the file list |
_getFileListDDD | function returns a list of files in the tachograph archive |
_getFileType | The function lists the records from the File Types |
_getFMS_DrivingStyle | Function returns summary of FMS statistics for specific period. |
_getFuelCards | The function returns a list of fuel cards. For roles: [admin, miniadmin, superadmin] - returns… |
_getFuelCardTypes | Function returns types of fuel tank. |
_getFuelPrice | The function returns the average prices of the fuel |
_getFuelProbe | The function returns control tanking and fuel drops |
_getFuelStatus | The function returns fuel statistics |
_getInputLogBook | The function returns data from the statistics log book inputs |
_getLandArea | The function returns a list of all land units. |
_getLandArea1 | The function returns a list of all land units. |
_getLandCrop | The function returns a list of crops on soil units. |
_getLandCropInfo | This function returns all crops that are registered in the selected agricultural area at the… |
_getLandCropSett | The function returns a list of crops on soil units. |
_getLandCropStatusSett | The function returns records from the crop state code. |
_getLandToolSett | The function returns a list of preset tools. |
_getLandWork | The function returns a list of actions on the soil unit. |
_getLandWorkDetail | The function returns a list of actions on the soil unit processed for direct viewing. |
_getLandWorkRide | The function returns a list of crossings between actions on soil units. |
_getLandWorkSett | The function returns a list of preset activities. |
_getLastDStatus | The function returns information about the current state of the driver in Overview of runs |
_getLBParamList | Function returns Settings - Vehicles - Enhanced Enhancement Book |
_getLBParamTemplate | The function returns Settings - Vehicles - Extending Drive Book |
_getLBParamValues | Function return other parameter values of the log book. |
_getLog | The function returns a listing of logged events. |
_getMess | Function returns sent or received messages. |
_getMess2 | Function returns sent or received messages. |
_getMess4way | The function returns messages for the car4way service. |
_getMessFile | function returns the contents of the file (The file is from communication with the driver) |
_getMEXTData | The function returns data for the specified vehicles |
_getMobileApp | The feature returns the license code for mobile applications. |
_getNextIdjizda | Function return routes according to user rights for previous 3 days. Suitable for the progressive… |
_getOptimalCarsList | The function returns a list of all vehicles with optimization enabled, which corresponds to the… |
_getPerfectDriveReport | The Api function returns the driver's rating for a given period (all vehicles or selected) |
_getPlanRoutePositions | The function returns the planned position of the delivery route |
_getPositionAllCarsWithTools | Returns the last known position of all active vehicles of the company, including the tool id and… |
_getPurposeSett | The function returns a listing of time-limited driving purposes |
_getReachLeaveMess | The function returns incoming messages about the points of achievement. |
_getRightsUser2Car | Function lists users' rights to vehicles |
_getRightsUser2Cargroup | The function lists users' rights to groups. |
_getRightsUser2Driver | The function lists users' rights for the drivers. |
_getRoute | The function returns the delivery route. |
_getRouteAccelerometer | Return numbers of event from accelerometer |
_getRouteCar | The function returns delivery routes for a particular vehicle and a time window. |
_getRouteCar2 | The function returns the full delivery route for a particular vehicle and a time window. |
_getRouteCarSpeeding | |
_getRouteMess | Function returns messages sent from the vehicle during the delivery route. |
_getRoutePositions | Function returns route position. |
_getRoutePositions2 | Function returns route position. |
_getRoutePositionsDetail | Function returns route position incluing place. |
_getRouteState | This function returns transport status |
_getRouteStop | The function returns stops on the delivery route. |
_getRouteStopActions | The function returns the stop action on the delivery route - even for deliveries where the vehicle… |
_getRouteStopActionsCar | The function returns a stop action on the delivery route - only for deliveries where the vehicle is… |
_getRouteStopCar | The function returns stops on the delivery route. |
_getShellCmdUnitResult | The function returns the execution status of the command |
_getSpread1 | Function returns Spreading extension statistics. |
_getSpread1Route | Function returns Spreading extension statistics - routes |
_getSpread1RouteStatus | Function returns Spreading extension statistics - buildings |
_getSpread1Sum | Function returns Spreading extension statistics - summary for shifts |
_getSpread2 | Function returns Spreading extension statistics 2 |
_getSpreadD | The function returns RSD Data transfer statistics |
_getSpreadUni | Function returns Spreading extension statistics UNI |
_getSpreadUniCls | Function returns Spreading extension statistics UNI by class. Maximum date range is 1 month, but… |
_getSpreadUniCls2 | Function returns Vehicle preformance statistics outside the spreader. |
_getStaCars | Function return vehicle statistics for maximum 60 days. |
_getStaCars2 | The function returns vehicle statistics Warning: return value - WDS_StaCarsItem Can be extended… |
_getStaDrivers | Function return Drivers statistics for maximum 60 days. |
_getStaDriversCar | Function return Drivers / Cars statistics. For all combinations driver and vehicle returning one… |
_getStaFMS | The function returns FMS statistics |
_getStatEngineLoad | The function returns the engine load histogram. This data is read at the vehicle OBD connector.… |
_getStatRPM | The function returns the RPM histogram. This data is read at the vehicle OBD connector. Contact… |
_getStreetMaintenance | The function returns Statistics of Road Maintenance. |
_getStreetMaintenanceRoute | The function returns statistics on Maintaining Road Roads. |
_getSWAlarms | The function returns the software alarm settings - all bitwise conjunction. |
_getSWAlarms2User | The function returns the alarm SW settings - the entire bit product for the vehicle and the logged… |
_getTachoCarsList | The function returns a car dial that has a connected tachograph |
_getTachograph | The function returns statistics tachograph data from digital tachograph for the given period. |
_getTachographDriver | The function returns data on meeting standards for Aetr from digital tachograph data |
_getTachographDriverAct | The function returns an overview of the driver's activities |
_getTachographDriverAct2 | The function returns the driver's activities from the tachograph |
_getTankRules | The function returns a company-specific fueling/charging directive and a time window. |
_getTask | The function returns tasks. |
_getTemperature | The function returns the temperature. |
_getTimePositions | Function return list of the routes for specific time period. |
_getTrailer | The function returns a list of company semitrailers. |
_getTrailer2 | The function returns a list of company semitrailers including all the details |
_getUser2LPIS | The function returns the User - LPIS property, according to which my / foreign soil entities are… |
_getUserPointActions | The function returns events at your own place. |
_getUserPointCross | The function of returning statistics of passage by own place |
_getUserPoints | The function returns a list of all your own locations / companies |
_getUserPointsKMZ | The function returns the url of KMZ file. |
_getUserPointVisits | The function returns a list of all visits to your own place. |
_getUsers | The function returns a list of users including settings. |
_getUsers2 | ATTENTION: The WDS_User2Item data class can be extended without further notice by other new user… |
_getVoltage | The function returns the battery voltage. |
_getWarningLightsActive | Returns a list of active errors |
_getWarningLightsHistory | Returns Diagnostics fault history. Maximum date range filter is 7 days (if only one car is selected… |
_getWarningLightsList | returns a list of Diagnostics codes |
_getWDFleetRouteFile | The function returns the contents of file for Spedition |
_logAccess | The feature that mobile devices log into system and gets information about the current version of… |
_login | Function for verifying login credentials. |
_sendCar4way | _sendCar4way |
_sendCar4way2 | _sendCar4way2 |
_sendFileDDD | The function sends data from the tacho-card to the portal. |
_sendFileRoute | The function sends a file for transport. |
_sendMessToPortal | Function sends message (or driver's status) from vehicle to the portal. |
_sendMessToPortal2 | Function sends message (or driver's status) from vehicle to the portal. |
_sendRoutePlan | The function imports the route into navigation in the vehicle, unlike the _sendRoutePlanToCar… |
_sendRoutePlanToCar | The function imports the route of the vehicle into navigation. |
_sendRoutePlanToCar2 | The function imports the route into navigation in the vehicle, unlike the _sendRoutePlanToCar… |
_sendShellCmdToUnit | The function sends a command to the unit |
_sendUserMessToGarmin | Function send text message to Garmin device. |
_sendUserMessToGarmin2 | Function send text message to Garmin device. |
_setAttendance | The function inserts the item into the attendance system. |
_setBookPurposeSett | The function modifies the records in the driving purpose dial |
_setBookPurposeSett2 | The function edit trip purpose. The function is available for SŽDC customer only. |
_setCarAlarm | This function can not set the oss tracking. Please contact your sales representative for their… |
_setCarCosts | Function change costs and add new ones. |
_setCarETA | Function sets information about destination and when is expected to reach the destination. |
_setCarGeneral | The function sets the vehicle information. How to call a function: Use the _getCarsListGeneral… |
_setCarGeneral2 | The function sets the vehicle information. Type of vehicle is not updated! |
_setCarGeneral5 | The function sets the vehicle information. Type of vehicle is not updated! |
_setCarLock | Function sets vehicle data lock. |
_setCarMobileMess | The function sets predefined messages and driver status for WD Fleet. |
_setCarParam | The function sets the specific parameter for the vehicle |
_setCarPeriph | The function sets the vehicle parameters The $ArrUpdate field contains an array of associative… |
_setCarRentalKeyManager | Key manager for car rental. |
_setCarSettings | The function sets the special vehicle settings - optional parameters |
_setCarSwSetting | The function sets the value WDS_Position2.swnastav |
_setCarWorkLogList | The function sets some items for vehicle operation record |
_setContainerPos | The function stores the status of the container and its position. |
_setFileType | The function changes and inserts entries into the File Types tab |
_setFuelCard | The function updates or inserts the fuel card record |
_setFuelPrice | The function sets the Average cost of the fuel (required admin rights) |
_setLandArea | The function updates and inserts soil units. To update the polygon, you need to call … |
_setLandCrop | The function changes the crop to the soil. IdLandCrop == 0 insert,> 0 update. |
_setLandCropSett | The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset crops. |
_setLandCropStatusSett | The function changes or inserts a record into the crop status bar. |
_setLandToolSett | The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset tools. |
_setLandToolSett2 | The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset tools - paired according to the… |
_setLandWork | The function is edited in IdToolX, IdWorkActionX, Length, Width, WorkArea, WorkAreaKm |
_setLandWorkSett | The function updates or inserts an item in the list of preset activities. |
_setLBParamList | The function sets the enumeration dials for the expanding parameters of the driving book |
_setLBParamValues | Function sets other parameter values of the log book. |
_setMessStatus | Function sends message (or driver's status) from vehicle to the portal. |
_setMhCorrection | Function sets moto odometer correction. |
_setMobileApp | The function returns the license code validiation for mobile apps and registers the valid code at… |
_setOdometerCorrection | Function sets odometer correction. |
_setPlanRoutePositions | The function deletes the existing coordinates of the delivery route and inserts a new one or only… |
_setPurposeSett | Function modifies records of predefined driving purpose |
_setRightsUser2Car | The function updates users' rights to vehicles. |
_setRightsUser2Cargroup | The function updates users' rights to groups. |
_setRightsUser2Driver | The function updates users rights to the driver. |
_setRouteStopActionMess | The function returns a stop action on the delivery route. |
_setRouteTime | The function changes the order delivery route - time of read, acceptance, rejection. |
_setSWAlarms | The function sets the software alarm for each bit. |
_setSWAlarms2User | The function sets the SW alarms by bit for the vehicle and the user |
_setTask | The function create or update the task. |
_setTaskRealized | The function sets the task as fulfilled. |
_setTrailer2 | The feature adjusts the list of company semitrailers |
_setUser2LPIS | The function inserts a new record of the User - LPIS property |
_setUserPointActions | The function edit / insert events at own place. |
_setUserPointPoly | The function sets the coordinates of a polygon that defines a own place or an soil complex |
_showUserPointOnMap | Function create a new text message (SMS) and send it to the user along with coordinates the… |
_updateBookCrew | Function updates crew of route. |
_updateBookDriver | Function for changing the name of the driver. |
_updateBookNote | Function update note for route. |
_updateBookPrivate | Function updates information about route - business/private. |
_updateBookPurpose | Function updating information about route and reason for the destination (purpose). |
_updateCarRentalOrder | Update car rental order. |
_updateCars | The function inserts or updates the vehicle information. |
_updateDriver | The function inserts or updates basic driver information. |
_updateDriver2 | The function updates basic driver information. |
_updateDriver3 | The function updates basic driver information. If the input value "disabled" = 1 then the driver… |
_updateUser | The function updates the user (Except for changes to usernames, passwords, groups and vehicle… |
_updateUser2 | The function updates the user (except for changing usernames, passwords, groups, and vehicle rights… |
_WIP_deleteAllUserPoint2 | Delete all of user points |
_WIP_deleteUserPoint | Delete user point |
_WIP_deleteUserPoint2 | Delete user point |
_WIP_updateUserPoint | Creating or editing a user point (user can define some special places/locality in the system) |
_WIP_updateUserPoint2 | Creating or editing a user point (user can define some special places/locality with special values… |
_WIP_updateUserPoint3 | Create and update user point, identified by idpoint |