
(API version 2.0)

int _setLBParamList ( string kodf , string username , string pass , WDS_LBParamListItem LbParamListItem )


The function sets the enumeration dials for the expanding parameters of the driving book



string kodf
Company code
string username
Login username
string pass
Login password
WDS_LBParamListItem LbParamListItem
  • int IdLbParamList

    Id enumeration

  • string Name

    Enumeration name

  • WDS_LBListItem[]

    list of items

    • WDS_LBListItem
      • int IdListItem

        Id enumeration items

      • string Name

        item name

      • string Code

        Code - so far only for the API - is not displayed on WD

      • string Note

        Note - so far only for the API - does not appear on WD


Return value


>0 - Id enumeration

-1 - User not logged in
-2 - User does not have admin rights
-3 - Enumeration with given ID not found - does not exist
-4 - Editing failed
-5 - Enumeration was deleted


API version 2.0

$client = new SoapClient('https://api.webdispecink.cz/code/WebDispecinkServiceNet.php?wsdl');
$return = $client->_setLBParamList($kodf, $username, $pass, $LbParamListItem);


To test the function, enter parameters in form below and press Try it out button.

Company code
Login username
Login password
WDS_LBParamListItem LbParamListItem
Id enumeration
Enumeration name
WDS_LBListItem[] List
WDS_LBListItem item
Id enumeration items
item name
Code - so far only for the API - is not displayed on WD
Note - so far only for the API - does not appear on WD
list of items

* Required field